
An A+ Vacation

We are back from our trip!

It was amazing, relaxing, fun and full of well-made memories.

I have to say that for the first vacation in a long time, I relaxed.
Relaxed with Elizabeth.
Last year, she really struggled with the trip to the lake. Her room was not the best and truthfully she might as well have been sleeping in the kitchen because that is how close she actually was to the room. The place we stayed at was not officially a tiny home but it was definitely its close cousin.

Anyway, this year was different.

We headed to the ocean, which is always a win for her sensory needs because it just naturally provides great stimulation for her.

But we also flew for the first time in a bit.
And truthfully TSA was great for her. She does have a tendency for people to like her instantly.
And she sailed right through the TSA check well

And her brother was her seat mate as we couldn’t get everyone together on the plane and again she enjoyed the trip.

So many wins and good things.
Now if I only had the reasons why or the recipe so that I can 100 percent do it all this way again.
But I don’t.
I do know what I did differently this time.

We prepped her for the
Seating on plane
Place we were staying
Room she had
We made a schedule for each day to help with transitions
And it all worked.

We have done this before and sometimes it still didn’t work.
Maybe it is her age and continued maturity?
Maybe, maybe, maybe
The bottom line I offer to everyone and me included is to try to take the good when it happens.
Enjoy the good.
Celebrate the good.
Because the tough stuff can be there again real quick.
And also, because we need to have those moments that allow us to relax. 

To breathe and to enjoy.
So there it is: the official vacation report.
A+ for vacation 2024

See you next month

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