
Elizabeth’s Rhythm, Sister Time, and Growing Life Skills

Welcome to October!

I for one cannot believe that we are here already.  I know that in Ohio, the beautiful colors of Fall are all around us, but I still struggle with hearing that the holidays are “just around the corner”

Because they are!

So what has Elizabeth been up to this last month.  I have to say that for the most part, she has just been “living her life” as she says.  By this I mean that her weeks have taken on a bit of a rhythm and schedule.

And she loves it!  If you have been reading the previous blogs from the summer, you will know that the summer was literally one big holy mess of uncertainty.  And it was some real hard work for she and I to adjust, reschedule and continue to grow life skills.

For her and me, this schedule is quite nice.

She had a great time with her sister home for a week.  Emily came home for vacation for an entire week!  We had a wonderful family week with her and Elizabeth enjoyed some nice “sister time” and I thought we had escaped the hurting heart of saying good bye to her sister because Elizabeth talked about it before Emily left and again that afternoon after she was gone.

But 2 days later she had an angry outburst for 10 minutes, then burst into tears and said “my heart is just broken because Emily left”

So, I let her cry and we talked this through.  I think one of the most beautiful things about Elizabeth is her heart.  It is pure, sweet and so full of love.

Now don’t get me wrong, she can be a bugger too! But even when she is angry she is never mean and there is a big difference!

We have been doing a lot of work this month on her vision therapy because we dropped that ball a bit in August due to circumstances beyond our control…called life.

But we are back on the vision therapy horse, and she is as always, just loving the work. I have seen such good confidence growing in her with reading and knowing she sounds so much better doing it.

We are in the initial steps to getting Elizabeth a way to get her CPD and first aid certification because she has always liked to work with children in preschools and even the elderly.  And both jobs require the above certification.  So we are looking into this to make her as employable as possible.

As always, we are working on goals and enjoying seeing what new good things happen as she gains more life skills.

I wish everyone a good month!



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