
Double Cute… Yes you are Anna!!

Anna’s a smart cookie! But, I can’t call her that because she always says, “I’m not a cookie! I’m Anna!” So, then, I said on a different occasion, “Where’s my little princess? Are you my little princess?” Anna says, “I’m not a princess. I’m a double cute!” That she is! A double cute! I love the funny little things Anna says. I also see her repeating the mannerisms and things the teacher says to her. “Now, you are a big Kindergartner and I know you can do it.” I just love to write down all the funny things she says. Often times, it’s words of comfort. If I’m sad, she will be the first to come to me, and rub my back gently and say, “it’s ok, don’t be sad, I’m here, I’ll help you, God will help you, don’t cry.” It is so precious. It doesn’t always work out sweetly though, of course. We woke up one morning and I was trying to encourage her to get dressed, which she knows how to do, but wasn’t feeling like it that morning. So, my husband also had just woken up and was in bed. He also tried to help things along and said, “Anna, get dressed, c’mon.” To which Anna replies, “worry about yourself!” Haha. Oops. I say this all the time because I hear my 3 kids either blaming or bickering with each other and I operate under the principle that if everyone just focused on their own behavior and doing the right thing, then, the world would be much more peaceful! I realize though something I learned a long time ago. That more than positive reinforcement, more than negative reinforcement, the biggest influence of child behavior is actually-modeling! Children are literally going to copy what others are doing, for better or for worst! That can make it hard for parents because when you’re trying to run a household, I know it’s not always easy to be on our best behavior! But, when I wake up to, “mommy, I love you, you’ll always be my best friend!” Then, I realize that although we mommies can’t always be on our best behavior- our children are so forgiving!


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