FFrom the Experts WHAT EVIDENCE-BASED, ORAL SENSORY-MOTOR TREATMENTS ARE EFFECTIVE FOR SPEECH DISORDERS?February 13, 2014 NOTE: This article has been reprinted with permission from Diane Bahr of Ages and Stage®, LLC and Robyn Merkel Walsh.…
AAsk A Therapist Ask A Therapist: Vent Weaning with the Horn HierarchyNovember 6, 2013 Hi Sara, I attended one of your conferences in April. I typically work with preschoolers with speech…
TTalkTools News HORN #10 AND OTHER HORN HIERARCHY UPDATESAugust 28, 2013 Hi Therapists and Parents, I just wanted to let everyone know that we have made a change to…
AAsk A Therapist Ask a Therapist: Down Syndrome Infant Treatment IdeasAugust 13, 2013 Hi, I have used your therapy approach for a while and would like to know what Sara would…
AAsk A Therapist Ask a Therapist: Horn Hierarchy Targeting Specific Phonemes?July 9, 2013 Hi, I have a student that backs sounds meaning he has difficulty making /t/ & /d/ sounds. Do…
AAsk A Therapist Ask a Therapist: Therapy Techniques for AdultsJune 20, 2013 Hi Sara, Do you have a course for adults yet? My Dad is 95, has experienced several TIAs,…
AAsk A Therapist Ask a Therapist: Adult Patients with Velopharyngeal ClosureMay 27, 2013 Hello, I am a Speech Pathologist from the Pittsburgh area. Could you tell me what you use as…
AAsk A Therapist Ask a Therapist: Horn Hierarchy – Should Clients Puff Their Cheeks?April 16, 2013 Hi Sara, I took your three-day introductory course years ago and one video course with Renee a couple…
FFrom the Experts CHARGE SYNDROME WEBINARFebruary 22, 2013 We are happy to be partnering with the Charge Syndrome Foundation and The National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness to present “Techniques to Improve…
AAsk A Therapist Ask A Therapist: S & ZApril 13, 2012 Hi, Would you be able to recommend some at home products? My daughter (8 yr. w/ Down Syndrome) is working on…