
Happy Valentine’s Day ~ Love, Anna

Anna-such a sweet, loving, joyful girl!  She is so very unique-I can see as she is growing up how her personality is blossoming and she never fails to surprise me.  It was time for “show and tell” via Zoom in her transitional kindergarten class.  She brought her little baby doll and her teacher asked, “What is your baby’s name?”  At that moment, Anna faced her baby doll directly and looked intensely into her baby doll’s eyes and asked, “Baby, what is your name?”  Then, in her pretend voice, she replied, “goo goo”.  Then, literally looked back at her teacher and said, “her name is Goo Goo”.  That elicited a laugh from her teacher.  I would have never anticipated  Anna saying something like that!  Here’s a video of her doing talk tools with her baby saying “goo goo” as we practice saying her “oo’s”.  Here’s another funny.  During speech therapy session, we have been practicing “hypothetical situations” where the speech therapists asks questions like, “what would you do if you spill something?”  Then, she needs to answer something like “I would wipe it up” or “clean it up” as an acceptable answer.  So her speech therapist asked, “What if you were in the store and you wanted a toy, but Mama told you no, you can’t it.  What would you do?”  to which Anna replied, “I would ask Papa to get me the toy”!!!  The truth of the matter is, she would have, too, and it absolutely would have worked, haha! The speech therapist did count that as a “correct answer” Clever, little girl, she is.  Wishing all a sweet, Valentine wish- a video from Anna!

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