I have used your therapy approach for a while and would like to know what Sara would recommend for me as I am starting with a 7 month old child with Down syndrome. I am ordering the CEU DVD, however, I wondered if there was some other resource that I should consider as I start out with this infant.
Thank you
Your email was referred to me for a response but I have to say you have anticipated my answer.
Lori Overland’s DVD entitled “Developing Oral-Motor and Feeding Skills in the Down Syndrome Population” is exactly what I would have encouraged you to purchase. I say this because after 40 years of working with children with this diagnosis I have never met two who need the same exact intervention. Lori’s DVD will give you the knowledge you will need to best address this client’s individual needs.
3. Read the The Oral-Motor Myths of Down Syndrome
I hope this has answered your question,