We have started school again! The summer went by so fast. We have been trying to work through her medical issues. We sought another opinion and between the two doctors, we have finally developed a plan. It will require addition of medications and 2 different types of shots.
The other thing we did this summer was that she has a non-removable top expander. We will also be getting one on her bottom. Unfortunately, this has caused her some teeth pain and so the talk tools that we had been doing has fallen by the wayside. Our talk tools therapist has also taken the summer off as well. With the addition of her expander and not doing the exercises, her articulation has gotten a bit worse.
She also had her yearly evaluation for speech and they also noticed her drop in articulation. She met her goals in speech at age 5 and was discharged from speech therapy, however, now at age 7, she is delayed again for age and therefore, we have also re-started speech therapy. We are still doing OT and she is doing horseback riding.
Last, but not least, Anna got glasses for the first time! She has been very good about keeping them on, something I was concerned about at first. That about wraps up our summer and we are back to school!