

Earlier this month Annabelle was spitting out almost all of her food. It was extremely frustrating, to say the least. We knew that she needed all the calories that she could get because she is still a pretty tiny little thing.  In addition, we knew that she had created a horrible eating pattern of pushing food out with her tongue. I tried to stay optimistic, but after about a week I called Whitney for some much needed help. Whitney got us all straightened out, and Annabelle has been eating great since then. She worked with us on better food placement for Annabelle and also encouraged us to let her self-feed at the end of the meal, instead of the beginning so we could start off meal time correctly.

I am so very thankful to have Whitney as a partner in this journey. My husband agrees and asked, “what do families do when problems like this arise and they don’t have anyone to turn to?” Who knows how like Annabelle would have continued her pattern of spitting out every bite if we wouldn’t have gotten some much needed assistance.

In other news, Annabelle is quite chatty and active. She says, “dada, momma, Lyla, hi, no no, and yay” quite regularly. She also has several signs including more, all done, eat, drink, baby, and book.  We are very proud of her progress!

-Lanie Beetsma

Annabelle has Down Syndrome and has been using TalkTools Therapy since she was born. Her story is a great inspiration for parents seeking help for a child with Down Syndrome. Follow Miss Annabelle’s journey from the beginning here.

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