
Happy Easter, Love Anna!

Celebration for World Down Syndrome Day (March 21st) specifically chosen to represent Trisomy 21 (three 21 Chromosomes) seen in Down Syndrome.  Typically, on that day, we ask people to “rock your socks” which means to wear fun, colorful, mismatched socks on each foot.  This is done to mainly raise awareness about Down Syndrome and for celebrating individuals around the world with Down Syndrome.  It was virtual this year, and we received rocks from Down Syndrome Connect of the Bay Area to decorate and paint!  A fun, but messy affair!

We also celebrated Easter! This time, we dyed and decorated eggs-another super, yet messy event!  Both celebrations-very messy, yet, super fun for Anna and our family!!!  The “messiness” for me, symbolized and reminded me that, it’s not always easy to have a child with special needs.  It can be a “messy affair” as you try to navigate through challenges that typical children face, but on top of that, extra challenges and concerns for your special need’s child.  Yet, the uniqueness of her personality, the uniqueness of the experience, and the joy that she brings to our family, the richness that our family feels because of her, the lessons we learn from her, are true treasures!  Messy, yet, joyful- that is life.   My slogan is that I always feel like “I’m a blessed mess”!

Many things in life, do not come easy, but isn’t it true, that we tend to come to appreciate those things that don’t come easy much more than the things that did?

Stay encouraged!


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