EElizabeth's Journey STEPPING OUT OF THE OASIS AND BACK INTO LIFEFebruary 3, 2015 It is funny or maybe not funny, but ironic that with a special needs child all the things you…
EElizabeth's Journey ELIZABETH FINDS THE RIGHT FIT FOR HERNovember 19, 2014 Something so unique about having a special needs child is that when most typical children are headed in…
EElizabeth's Journey THE BEST GIFT FROM ELIZABETHNovember 15, 2014 As our journey continued, I was able to revisit the “to do” category of a preschool for Elizabeth. …
EElizabeth's Journey SEEING THE TREES IN THE FOREST: ELIZABETH GROWS BEYOND EXPECTATIONSSeptember 11, 2014 I can remember that I was living so deeply “in the forest” this year that I did not…
EElizabeth's Journey IT’S NOT A SPRINT, IT’S A MARATHON: ELIZABETH BEGINS THERAPYAugust 15, 2014 The words did start to come but they were words that required a great deal of work to…
EElizabeth's Journey 2 YEARS OLDApril 27, 2014 As a parent, there is one side of your brain that knows the truth in a situation and…
EElizabeth's Journey I BELIEVE IN YOU: ELIZABETH INTRODUCTIONMarch 19, 2014 My name is Michele Gianetti and I am a mom to three wonderful children, gifts from God is…